The Importance of Vitamins

Posted: November 14, 2013 in Fitness, Nutrition
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Why are Vitamins important?

Vitamins and minerals help boost the immune system, support normal growth and development, and help organs and cells do there job. When training these vitamins are important for energy,growth,recovery,blood circulation,heart and immune health. A lot of people choose to use a multi vitamin. Which is all well and good but how much of each vitamin can really be in one pill that small. Take a generic multi vitamin and one tab of vitamin c, notice how the vitamin c pill is the same size as the multi vitamin if not bigger? When training your going to need higher levels of vitamins for higher levels of intensity. In my opinion a multi vitamin just doesnt cut it.


Here is a list of just a few essential vitamins that you should be taking daily.

Vitamin A: Important in the synthesis of protein, the chief process of muscle growth.vitamin A is involved in the production of Glycogen, the body’s storage form of energy for high intensity performance.

Vitamin B: (B12) carbohydrate metabolism and maintenance of nervous system tissue. Stimulation of muscles via nerves is a critical step in the contraction, coordination and growth of muscles.

Vitamin C: A antioxidant, and fat burner that protects muscle cells from free radical damage, thus enhancing recovery and growth. Ascorbic acid is also involved with amino acid metabolism, especially the formation of Collagen. Collagen is the primary constituent of connective tissue

Vitamin D: Absorbs Calcium and Phosphorus. Calcium is necessary for muscular contraction. If adequate stores of Calcium are not available in the muscle, full, hard muscular contractions cannot be sustained. Calcium is also needed for the integrity of bones, which must support increased muscle tissue and provide an anchor during muscular contraction.

Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that protects the cell’s membranes. This is important because many of the metabolic processes that take place in the body, including the recuperation and growth of muscle cells, are dependent upon health cell membranes.

Fish Oil: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Lowers blood triglyceride levels,increase insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Also proven to have quicker recovery for maximum muscle growth.

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